Thursday, September 11, 2008
R@ptr Je5u5 rekgn1z3s that teh inerwebz iz teh w@y 0f teh futur. With l33t 5p3@k being teh l@ngu@g3 4 dizcor53. H3 n0ez thi5 bcuz H3 iz l33t. H3 iz n0t @ n00b. B31ng teh L33t M@5t3r H3 iz, hiz l33t al0wz him to pwn @ L@N parteez & WOW w/ez. $$$
R@ptr J35u5 n0z teh interwebz iz $$$ & L33t = $$$. H3 n0z cuz h3 iz l33t. h3 iz d3finitly n0t @ n00b. (N0 N00BS!)
Raptr Jezus noez teh interwebz iz teh way of teh future. He’z n0 n00b. Hez $$$. So $$$ he likz teh WOW, 2.
*translation* (as best as I could)
"Raptor Jesus recognizes that the internet is the way of the future, with leetspeak being the language for discourse. He knows this because he is leet. He is (definitely) not a noob. Being the leet master he is, his leetspeak allows him to “pown” at Lan Parties and World of Warcraft with ease. (This is) so great.
Raptor Jesus knows the internet is great and leetspeak is great. He knows because he is “leet” and is definitely not a “newbie.”
Raptor Jesus knows the internet is the way of the future. He is not a newbie. He’s great. (It is) so great (that) he likes the World of Warcraft, too."
Monday, April 14, 2008

The reason for this is a hotly-debated topic. “Scientists” will argue that His peripheral vision forces Him to tilt His head slightly to the side just to see what’s in front of Him. This “evolutionary advantage” allows him to keep on the look-out for natural enemies and other potential predators.
But all true followers know that Raptor Jesus IS a potential predator and that those “scientists” are full of crap.
“Peripheral vision” is just one of the many lies told by heretics and non-believers to discredit our Lord and Savior as nothing but a poor, helpless deity, And while it is true that Raptor Jesus was persecuted for His beliefs, (see picture) He is also a vengeful, ravenous messiah that isn’t afraid to fire off an AK-47 single-handedly to save the life of a baby sheep He wants to eat later. (see post below)

(Rawr! AmIrite?)
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
#3. Alternative Belief Systems

Through his infinite wisdom, RJ quickly and deftly forms treaties with other dinosaur deity. There are many rumors that RJ and RM work together toward a common goal. This is crap. Though they are pictured together, and though they remain close friends, their two viewpoints differ on key issues such as childrearing, martyrdom, and lols. It has been documented, though not very well, that RM is has little or no sense of humor, and simply stares down children, rather than laughing at them.
The important thing to take away from this, is that Raptor Jesus is tolerant and understanding and always wise. But don't you cross him, or he'll eat your lips!!
Friday, March 28, 2008
# 2 Mixing Science with Religion
Answer: he couldn’t have. And then where would we be, government? Huh?
Only by playing God with the tools of man can Raptor Jesus create the miracles we know and love today that defy the natural law. Miracles such as cloning and genetic engineering! And only by committing ourselves to this cause with a dogmatic devotion can we (and Raptor Jesus) ever hope to make such pictures a reality:
And lastly, as Raptor Jesus would surely agree, mixing science and religion would finally give us an answer the question of “where did we come from?” that I’m sure we ALL would agree on, ending all wars forever.
At least until we're overrun by T-Rexes.
#1. Laughing Out Loud
While death and forgiveness of sin are important parts of Raptor Jesus's choice of lifestyle, he is always capable of recognizing the humor in uncomfortable situations. Especially when in the company of children and the elderly, Raptor Jesus will punctuate his profound wisdom with unrelated laughter. The result is often an infectious avalanche of laughter, lulling his subjects into a sense of security and belonging.
Some speculate that such laughter is actually at the expense of those worshiping him, and is in fact a reason to disapprove of Raptor Jesus's teachings. Those people are wrong and will die horribly.